I wrote a guest blog entry called "Half Frame Cameras & the Anonymous Snapshot" for a relatively new site focusing on vintage photography and paper ephemera called House of Mirth Vintage Photos & Ephemera... Once upon a time, I had been using this type of camera which led to my collecting these found images. For the wordier version, click on the above link. If you have an interest in this type of camera and/or antique cameras, I highly recommend looking at these pages on innovative cameras, including half frames.

Stacy Waldman is a vintage photo seller and works from her website called "House of Mirth". I'm the third guest blogger to submit something... Robert Jackson started things off with a selection from his collection and an essay on found snapshots taken through chain link fences... Barbara Levine chose from her collection of accidental photos taken with fingers in front of the lens. In between, Stacy posts on news and findings from her photography experience and will continue to have guest submissions...